Note#441 View (from Page#56 "Movies")
Created 2007-Apr-09. Updated 2020-Nov-10.

Marcel Carne (director, 1909-1996, France)

imageThe master of "poetic realism", Marcel Carné was a prodigy who created the greatest films in French history (with the help of poet Jacques Prévert).
Marcel Carne IMDB page
Marcel Carne wikipedia page
Marcel Carne French wikipedia page

Favorite movies list

Les enfants du paradis (1945)
(Children of Paradise/The Boulevard of Crime)
Fresque sur le Paris romantique des années 1840.
The tale of a beautiful courtesan, Garance, and the four men who love her in their own ways: a mime, an actor, a criminal and an aristocrat.


Drôle de drame (1937)
(Funny Drama or The Strange Adventures of Doctor Molyneaux)
Avec Louis Jouvet, Michel Simon, Jean-Louis Barrault!
In Victorian London a serial killer murders women. Pr Molyneux and bishop Archibald Soper are searching for him while suspecting each other... "Bizarre, bizarre, vous avez dit bizarre..."


Drôle de drame is an extraordinary mix black comedy and farce, quite unlike anything in French cinema at the time. Although it presents a typically French stereotyped view of the English, the film makes an intelligent satire of the middle classes, making great capital out of their little hypocrisies and double standards.

Hotel du Nord (1938)
"Atmosphère ? Atmosphère ? Est-ce que j'ai une gueule d'atmosphère ?"


Quai des Brumes (1938)


"T'as de beaux yeux tu sais"