Note#1030 View (from Page#1017 "Quotes / Citations ")
Created 2007-Apr-22. Updated 2021-Mar-16.


Quand les gens sont d'accord avec moi, j'ai toujours le sentiment que je dois me tromper (Oscar Wilde)
Le mariage est la principale cause de divorce (Oscar Wilde).
I have often regretted my speech, never my silence (Xenocrates).
All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection, except for the problem of too many layers of indirection (David Wheeler).
A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines (Frank Lloyd Wright).
Je vous résume le freudisme : Pourquoi ? Parce queue (Louis Pauwels).
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar (Sigmund Freud).
Montre la lune a un imbécile, il ne voit que le doigt (Proverbe taoiste).
La Joconde sourit parce que tous ceux qui lui ont dessiné des moustaches sont morts (Andre Malraux).
Le deces est generalement assimile a une invalidite a 100 % (Memento Pratique du fonctionnaire).
L'humour, c'est la politesse du désespoir (Oscar Wilde).
Do not take life too seriously; You will never get out of it alive (Elbert Hubbard).
Le dramatique de la vieillesse, ce n'est pas qu'on se fait vieux, c'est qu'on reste jeune (Oscar Wilde).
Philosophy teaches us to bear with equanimity the misfortunes of others (Oscar Wilde).
La seule difference entre un caprice et un "amour éternel" est que le caprice dure un peu plus longtemps (Oscar Wilde).
Il ne faut pas perdre un ami pour un bon mot ; sauf si le mot est meilleur que l'ami (Oscar Wilde).
J'adore parler de rien c'est le seul domaine ou j'ai de vagues connaissances (Oscar Wilde).
It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious (Oscar Wilde).
La betise est infiniment plus fascinante que l'intelligence... L'intelligence a des limites, la betise n'en a pas (Claude Chabrol).
When I was born, I was so suprised I didn't talk for a year and a half (Gracie Allen).
J'ai été enfant de choeur, militant socialiste, et pilier de bar. C'est dire si j'en ai entendu des conneries... (Michel Audiard).
Australian beer is like making love in a canoe : it's fucking close to water (Monty Pythons).
Software is like sex, it's better when it's free (Linus Torvalds).
Il existe trois catégories de femmes: les putes, les salopes et les emmerdeuses. Les putes couchent avec tout le monde, les salopes couchent avec tout le monde sauf avec toi, les emmerdeuses ne couchent qu'avec toi (Frederic DARD).
Cocu : il vaut mieux etre plusieurs sur une bonne affaire que seul sur une mauvaise (Tristan Bernard).
Le plaisir érotique est une course d'obstacles. L'obstacle le plus attrayant et le plus populaire est la morale (Karl Kraus).
M'avez-vous été fidele? - Souvent, Madame! (Gabriel Hanotaux).
Si vous craignez la solitude, ne vous mariez pas (Anton Tchekov).
La France... a toujours cru que l'égalité consistait ? trancher ce qui depasse (Jean Cocteau).
I would rather be the offspring of two apes than be a man and afraid to face the truth (Thomas Henry Huxley "Darwin's Bulldog" to Samuel Wilberforce Lord Bishop of Oxford).
I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying (Oscar Wilde).
The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it (W. M. Lewis).
Nous ne voyons pas les choses comme elles sont, nous les voyons comme nous sommes (Anais Nin).
Le naturel aussi est une pose, et la pose la plus agacante de toutes (Oscar Wilde).
On devrait d'abord chercher quelqu'un avec qui boire et manger avant de chercher quelque chose a boire et a manger (Epicure).
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it (Salvador Dali).
The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad (Salvador Dali).
Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions (Frank Lloyd Wright)
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work (Thomas A. Edison).
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good (Samuel Johnson).
If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe (Carl Sagan).
You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty (Sacha Guitry)
I don't even butter my bread; I consider that cooking (Katherine Cebrian)
Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions - it only guarantees equality of opportunity (Irving Kristol)
... Was it really all right for one's dreams to come true so easily? ... (Haruki Murakami: On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning).
C'est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante (Le petit prince, Saint Exup?ry).
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur. (Handy Latin Phrases)
Les esprits d'élite discutent des idées, les esprits moyens discutent des événements, les esprits médiocres discutent des personnes. (Jules Romains)
When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss Art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss money. (Oscar Wilde)
[Man's] excursion may be more enjoyable if he can reacquire the privilege of forgetting the manifold things he does not need to have immediately at hand, with some assurance that he can find them again if they prove important.
Vannevar Bush in As We May Think, an introduction to memex a personal machine for the extension of human memory and for the sharing of information, 1945
while so-called wise men thought themselves wise and yet were not, he himself knew he was not wise at all which, paradoxically, made him the wiser one since he was the only person aware of his own ignorance. (wikipedia article on Socrates) "I know that I know nothing"
L'état est cette grande fiction sociale ? travers laquelle chacun essaie de vivre aux dépens de tous les autres. (Claude Frederic Bastiat)
bad people obey their lusts as servants obey their masters (Diogenes)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
if you make someone feel bad for being excited about something, you're the worst kind of person.
Je déteste la montagne, ca cache le paysage
(Alphonse Allais)
A human being is a spatially and temporally limited piece of the whole, what we call the "Universe." He experiences himself and his feelings as separate from the rest, an optical illusion of his consciousness. (Albert Einstein)